Leave home and move into a castle/mansion. When your Hogwarts student becomes a teen, this story begins.
Specialize in Alchemy/potion making and Practical Magic Spells.When your chosen one becomes a teen, this story begins.
When your twin becomes a teen, this story begins.
You can study two fields: your choice of Untamed Magic, Practical Magic, or Mischief Magic. When your misfit becomes a teen, this story begins. Specialize only in Mischief Magic Spells. Marry again, someone who is high up on any career track. Marry a rich sim then divorce them and take all the money. Must reach the top of the Business career, Management branch. This story begins when your Slytherin becomes a teen. Specialize only in Practical Magic Spells. Have a room dedicated to solely being a library. Must join the Education career, Professor branch. Must have the bookworm and/or genius traits. This story begins when your Ravenclaw becomes a teen. Complete as many collections as possible. Specialize only in Alchemy, potion making. Must go into Gardening career, Botanist branch. Must have the loves outdoors and/or geek traits. This story begins when your Hufflepuff becomes a teen. Specialize only in Untamed Magic Spells. Must go into the Secret Agent Career, Diamond Agent branch. Must have the self-assured and/or adventurous traits.
This story begins when your Gryffindor becomes a teen. Have four children that would all be sorted into different houses.
Must have the goofball and/or creative traits. When your muggle-born becomes a young adult, this story begins. You should only have 2 kids, one with your muggle partner and the other with the spellcaster. You should meet the spellcaster in Glimmerbrook. Must have a second child from an affair or one-night stand with a spellcaster. If male, he will enter the Tech Guru career. When your muggle becomes a young adult, this story begins.